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red triangle Comments from top credit & collection 
professionals on how they benefit from reading
What's Working in Credit & Collection

red circle From Robert Bernard, Credit Rep for Martin Marietta:
"I often refer back to them for problems that I am currently facing. One section in particular, Cash Flow Boosters, has really helped me collect from my accounts sooner." 

red circle From Jim Padgett, Credit Manager at Alta Vista:
"The articles in What's Working in Credit and Collection are always to the point and packed with good information. I particularly like to read how others deal with similar issues I face on a daily basis."

red circle From Mark Soloman, A/R Supervisor at Slim Fast Foods:
"The one section I find most helpful in What's Working in Credit and Collection is the Real Problems, Real Solutions. I like to know what other companies are doing, what issues they have and what they are doing to remedy those problems."

red circle From Steve Chatut, Credit Manager for Knapp Supply:
"The quick-read format is a valuable time saver. You can read and digest the information in just a fraction of the time it takes to read any of the other newsletters or publications. Each issue is packed with valuable information."

red circle From Melody Perfoms, Credit Manager at U.S. Filter: 
"What's Working in Credit and Collection provides me with the knowledge I need to succeed. I find the concise format extremely valuable."

red circle From Tracy Rhew, Credit Manager for Sysco Foods: 
"Its amazing, every time I receive an issue I find at least one section that is applicable to something our department is currently dealing with."

red circle From Mandee Lawton, Credit and Collections Specialist for Buck Knives Inc.: 
"I read quite a few publications and find this format more valuable that the rest. I don't have the time to read long publications. It's short without being fragmented. It provides me with complete information in a condensed format."

red circle From D. Maunakea Credit Manager at Dana Kepner Co. Inc.:
"We are so busy solving problems and collecting that we often don't spend time for improvement. Improvement equals efficiency and What's Working in Credit and Collection comes in. It has really helped us with our continual improvement."

red circle From Jennifer Allard, Sales/Credit Coordinator for Cargill Inc.:
"What's Working in Credit and Collection has really lived up to my expectations. It actually saves me time." 

red circle From L. Coyle, A/R Supervisor at Pharmacare: 
"What's Working in Credit and Collection keeps me updated and exposed to other credit professionals problems and how they solved them."

red circle From Chris B. Swank, General Manager/Credit at J.A.M. Distributing:
"There is something useful in every issue of What's Working in Credit and Collection. With the quick read format I can read about a lot of topics in a short amount of time."

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