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Here's a taste of articles from recent issues:

red circle Guarding against workers' comp claims - both real and fake
red circle OSHA's new rule: You'll have to prove management involvement
red circle OSHA's new self-audit policy means double jeopardy for you
red circle Finally! Ergo rule is here - and it's packing some hidden punches
red circle The trap in new record-keeping rule: OSHA to use logs against you
red circle Do you have to coddle "mental cases"? Not if it's a safety threat
red circle New court ruling tells you how to weed out drug users legally
red circle Court: Even small companies have to comply with ergonomics rule
red circle How 'good intentions' caused one worker to blow up his building
red circle New safety program rule coming and OSHA wants everyone involved
red circle Do workers who defy safety rules still qualify for legal protection
red circle Court shows the price of hiring unsafe contractors: $1 million
red circle We can't afford it': How tight budgets become safety nightmare
red circle Your accident costs soar: Witness gets $4 million for 'mental stress'
red circle OSHA gets tough on incentive plans - will yours survive the test?
red circle OSHA's new recordkeeping rule means double jeopardy for you
red circle Now any malcontent with a computer can sic OSHA on you
red circle Heads up: Keeping up on new OSHA regs just got a lot tougher
red circle Now OSHA plans to micromanage the way you prevent ergo injuries
red circle Now OSHA's on the warpath over common paperwork blunders

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