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red triangle Comments from top funding professionals
on how they benefit from reading
Foundation and Corporate Funding Advantage

red circle From Everlean Holland, Grants Coordinator at Grambling State University:
"FFA is very helpful to us. The grant listings tell us right away whether it's something for us, and that keeps me from spinning my wheels."

red circle From Majorie Asturias, Director of Grants at Columbia College of South Carolina:
"I think FFA is very helpful. It gives me new funding sources or give me a heads up on new guidelines for sources that may have not fit in the past. You do a great job. It has grant leads and top picks as well as tips on how to pursue private funding"

red circle From Deena Kutcher, Director of Development for Planned Parenthood of Southern New Jersey:
"It's fresh, up-to-the-minute information. I found resources I hadn't seen anywhere."

red circle From Calvinia Williams, Executive Director for San Francisco Youth Courts:
"I'm using the whole thing. It's got new sources of money every month, and real life stories that show us how to go about getting it. I think it's a fantastic investment for the future."

red circle From Joan Chaplick, Assoc. Director of Foundation and Corporate Funding for Golden Gate National Park Service:
"FFA is a timely part of my grantseeking treasure hunt. It brings opportunities to my attention that are not being raised by other sources

red circle Mary Fran McCarthy, Executive Director/Fund Development at St. Mary's Hospital and Medical Center:
"I read every single issue and highlight funding sources for departments that are looking for opportunities."

red circle From Mary Oliver, Exec Director for The Birmingham PATH Group:
"I find it very readable, very user friendly. I like the clearness of the articles"

red circle From Carmen Namenek, Health and Child Services Director for Catholic Charities:
"I think it's a very good newsletter - I use it to find out what grant opportunities are currently available and what the coming trends are. It gives me very specific grant information. 

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