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What's Working in Human Resources
Supervisors Legal Update
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"Each time a question on a topic arises I receive my latest issue and it has an article on that topic and I get my answer."
- Tracey Shapiro
Human Resources Director
Kelmar Industries
No theory here. Just the latest HR news, employment law updates, and proven best practices from your peers at other companies who have successfully addressed the challenges that you now face, all packed in a unique fast-read format that wonąt waste your time.


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"My supervisors really like getting Supervisors Legal Update because it's information they can use. The real-world cases teach them that a very innocent situation can turn out to be a very costly one ­ it's the kind of thing they can relate to."
- Gordon Gibbs
Director of Human Resources
Mankato Area Public Schools
Protect your firm from legal trouble by giving your managers and supervisors the guidance they need to avoid making even "innocent" mistakes that can cost your company big. Filled with plain-English explanations of employment law and practical techniques for spotting and resolving problems before they escalate, SLU will drive home how their words and actions can make them and the company accountable.


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"It seems like I get one new idea from each issue. Recently, I implemented a new policy regarding our COBRA compliance procedures. I took the idea right from your newsletter."
- Jill Rivenburgh
Human Resources Manager
Pellco Electric Co.
Written for professionals who understand the critical role that benefits and compensation play in recruiting and retention. Stay up-to-date on the news that affects your job, discover proven ways to keep your healthcare increases under control and see how other companies successfully educate their workforce on their benefits programs.

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